خنثى Hermaphrodite, 2017-2022

Hermaphrodite is a sculptural project that represents bodies whose physical characteristics exceed the gender binary and do not neatly fit male or female classifications.

This work is inspired by Hermaphroditus, the two-sexed child of Aphrodite and Hermes. This work weaves together god and goddess statues and portrays a female figure with male genitals. Historically, myths have revolved around the human body and continue to be pivotal to the understanding and expression of our place in the universe. Greek mythologies teem with stories of women and men who are doubled, who double themselves, whose bodies are split, divided, or disguised as an animal, of males who gave birth from their heads and thighs, or females hatched from a swan or a goose egg, or from a man’s severed genital, or from blood…

The project focuses on the burning issues of today’s society and its perception of the female and male body in Western and Eastern visual culture and art history.


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